Top 3 Staging Tips for Bathrooms!
Getting a clients home ready for Market is so important! Schedule a consult with us today to get a room by room evaluation of your...
Modern Cottage Design
As a Designer, coming up with new "themes" or inspirations can be difficult. Its almost a forced creativity... and if you're an artist...
A Fabulous Flip
There are days we all just get through. We do the work, get home, shovel in dinner and turn off the lights. But there are also those days...
Finding the Mojo
The irony in writing this post is that I haven't personally blogged in a year. But what better reason to write it? I feel like I will...
Featured in Parade of Homes.
Maple & Moss is featured in the Parade of Homes! Showcasing the latest in home design. Read our latest blog post for more information ab
Wild Rose Home or "Floor Galore"
"Lydia Andrews rocks the staging world. I took my clients through one of her staged homes and it wasn't till we were under contract
The Stratton Home - A Million Dollar Project
Maple & Moss has been up to some EXCITING things; tackling some big projects! Recently, we completed a MILLION DOLLAR HOME staging proje
How to Plan the Perfect Party... and ENJOY it!
Party Planning. It's a whole lot different than partying. Am I right? From the decor, to the food, to the music, to the entertainment, to...
How to Dress Your Bookshelf
So simple yet so complicated... the bookshelf. It unintentionally becomes the visual clutter station for most of our homes and no matter...
Hello... This is Maple&Moss
Hello. My name is Lydia Andrews and I'm... starting a business. I wanted to start the first blog off with a BANG for Maple&Moss Staging...