A Fabulous Flip

There are days we all just get through. We do the work, get home, shovel in dinner and turn off the lights. But there are also those days that we look forward to getting the work done. The days where we don't mind loading up our car 400 times and making 2,000 trips to unload from the porch to the car to the porch to the car. No? Just me? Cool.
This house was one of those joyous days. An early 90's build that definitely needed some attention and updating. The new owners made choices in paint color and fixture updates, as well as giving an entire facelift to the outside of the home that dramatically changed it's vibe. But their best choice in my opinion? Staging the house. Adding that perfect cherry on top that most agents make the mistake of excluding. I don't need to go into all the statistics and ROI's that staging has to offer (but I did just nonchalantly link a site for you) because it just works. WHY?
Take this home for example. They ripped down a huge wall in the entrance and created an amazing open floor plan. Everyone wants that; to mingle, cook and eat in the same large area. Problem? When it's vacant it's extremely hard to see how you would practically live in the space. It's daunting for most. When it is properly staged people can actually see themselves there. They can visualize themselves entertaining, relaxing, hanging with family and friends. Empty it's just space. Staged it is a home.
I had just gotten back from an amazing hotel in Arizona that had a modern Cuban design. I was so inspired, I added some elements of that in this home with the pillows and happy green pops!
Take a look at some of the before and afters of this home!